Using the DCC Desktop with Matlab
This procedure demonstrates how to load Matlab, but can be done with any applications installed on the DCC that have a GUI interface (for example: Matlab, Mathematica, Comsol).
- Click on Interactive Apps in the top navigation menu
- Click on DCC Desktop
Launching a DCC Desktop
- For lab account, input the name of your DCC group (list of all groups can be found here)
- Under partition, type in "common", or if your lab has dedicated resources, add your own partition
- Input the number of hours you would like the session to remain active (please try to remain small, as it will continue running even if you are not using it)
- Input the desired amount of nodes, memory, and CPUs (try to start small with only a few gigabytes of memory and cores)
- Press the blue "Launch" button on the buttom of the page
- After pressing the blue "launch" button, your job will be queued to start
- Wait a few seconds to a few minutes for the Desktop to finish launching. The status will automatically change from "Starting" to "Running" when it is ready. If you have requested a large number of resources, your session will wait to start until the resources are available on the DCC.
- Press the blue "Launch DCC Desktop" button when it is ready
Using DCC Desktop to launch Matlab
In the bottom center launch a terminal window:
$ module load Matlab/R2022b
$ matlab
Your Matlab GUI should now launch within your browser window.